1990.01.07 02:14Authors:Fukuoka S and Scheele GA Title:Rapid and selective cloning of monitor peptide, a novel CCK-releasing peptide, using minimal amino ac...
1990.01.06 04:12Authors:Fukuoka S, Freedman SD and Scheele GA Title:Homology between GP-2, the major glycoprotein in pnacreatic secretory granule membranes ...
1990.01.05 02:05Authors:Fukuoka S and Scheele GA Title:Nucleotide sequence encoding the major glycoprotein (GP2) in rat pancreatic secretory (zymogen) granu...
1990.01.04 04:09Authors:Fukuoka S, Freedman SD and Scheele GA Title:A single gene encodes membrane bound and free forms of GP2, the major glycoprotein in pa...
1990.01.03 04:07Authors:Fukuoka S and Scheele GA Title:Full length cDNA sequence encoding canine Sancreatic colipase. Journal :Nucleic Acids Res Vol :18 Pag...
1990.01.02 04:05Authors:Fukuoka S, Taniguchi Y and Scheele GA Title:Genomic, messnger RNA, and protein structure of pancreatic colipase. Journal :Pancreas V...
1990.01.01 04:04Authors:Freedman SD, Fukuoka S and Scheele GA Title:GP-75 is linked to the dog pancreas zymogen granule membrane via a phosphatidyl-inositol...